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R.I.P. Blade

"We Don't Forgive. We Don't Forget. Expect Us!"

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R.I.P. Blade

"We Don't Forgive. We Don't Forget. Expect Us!"

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 Forum Rules

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Posts : 3
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Join date : 2010-10-30
Age : 29

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PostSubject: Forum Rules   Forum Rules I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 30, 2010 2:19 am


1. Spam will not be tolerated : all spam posts will be deleted and the user might be kicked.

2. Hacking will not be tolerated : all users that will ''hack'' on the forums will be banned immediately and their IP address might be reported to the proper authority!

3. Respect the community: dont insult others religions and cultures!

4. Don't use the forums for illegal sharing!

5. Place threads and posts in their proper place. Don't put an application thread into the rules folder.If you see a post that is not suposed to be their alert the admins so we can move it!

6. Don't annoy the admins. All will be taken care in it's time. The admin team is busy with more important stuff than so argument!(But if very imporatant, then tell)

7. No fights in topics! If there is a fight in any topic on the forums, it will be deleted and if the person who started the fight starts it again on another topic, that person will be KICKED THEN BANNED from forum!

8. Do not post any pornographic picture or post, the user who would do that get immediately kicked!

9. Avatars bigger than 200x200 are not allowed, if you do not respect this rule will lose your right to have an avatar in your profile


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