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R.I.P. Blade

"We Don't Forgive. We Don't Forget. Expect Us!"

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R.I.P. Blade

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 Great Fighters Clan INFO

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PostSubject: Great Fighters Clan INFO   Great Fighters Clan  INFO I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2015 10:10 pm

Welcome in GFC Clan FORUM !

Greeting to all CS:GO Players from our clan.

I'm Morwen, GFC Clan Leader, Forum Administrator and GFC Obj Server Mod.
We are all players from Return To Castle Wolfenstein. Our team just recently started joining new communities, one of which is Counter Strike:GO.

Great Fighters Clan was born around 2009 but it officially became a clan/team in 2010.

You can see all the various steps which our clan passed through, since 2010 until 2015 here: ((LINK))

Rtcw is an almost dead game and there are around 50 players active. So, you can understand that our clan is one of the few clans who survived the big "collapse". Also rtcw clans are pretty small compared with those in other game which have like 60+ members.

Here's the list of our Members (in rtcw) and our clan ranking organisation:

  • Clan Leader(s):

- Morwen          (GFC Clan Leader)

- Blade               (GFC Clan General)

- P!nk                 (GFC Clan Vice General)

- Szab                 (GFC Clan Vice General)


  • GFC Member(s):  
    GFC FUN-Member(s):

- BPX33  

- Mkls.
- Sniper (Lag.)

- Azazelo79

- Master (El.)

- swAt

- Wimoweh

- Cat

- BumbklAatt

- Reda

GFC Clan Founder

Of course, the Member rankings HAVE TO be edited as soon as possible and get a new organisation since we joined CS community.

The biggest changes are gonna concern the "General" status.  Until now, General (Bl@de) was used as "GFC Co-Leader" which is the 2nd most important guy in our clan after the Leader. Our idea now is to use the "General" rank as "commander of a game". That means there is going to be ONE General for EACH game (for now, one for rtcw and one for CS:GO)

RTCW General: Blade
CS:GO General: Cat

Generals will be still under the authority of the Leader, other Generals and Vice Generals control, and they will have to respect all the rules of GFC, but they are going to have a lot of "freedom" and "power" about decisions they want to take in the game they control. Remember: Generals have to respect everybody, Higher and Lower ranks.

Well, for now, this is all. If all of these changes work, and if we can really build another ramification of GFC in CS:GO, then we will create a new organisation for our family (rules, rankings, topics, forum, application rules, etc.). For now, we will need to invite many people and get to know them before accepting them as "officially GFC members".

This is all for now,


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PostSubject: Re: Great Fighters Clan INFO   Great Fighters Clan  INFO I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2015 11:02 pm

Morwen wrote:

Rtcw is an almost dead game and there are around 50 active players.

I wouldnt say RTCW is a dead game yet.It is true since master list went down some players stopped playing , new players are so few or even no new players around.However , people still developing stuff for Multiplayer , there are still cups going from time to time even in 1.0 with money involved and stuff.

Some say the game is lost , too many hackers , etc.But truth is owners of the remaining server still paying for them , admins still around and the small community , as you say , still showing up when there is a call.

Euro side still dont know (or barely know) American side.So if any have time , show up at american prime time and you'll see how active we are (althought not so much now , DM has about of 16 to 24 players per night).

We are definetely more than 50 active players and we still have more years of fun.

(My 2 cents regarding RTCW 1.0)
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PostSubject: Re: Great Fighters Clan INFO   Great Fighters Clan  INFO I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2015 11:23 pm

Yes I agree with what you said, but I also partly disagree:

I wrote -Almost- dead.  I know that there are still some players but,  compared to years ago,  or even 1 year ago,  the number of players might have fallen of 40% in one year.  Also the difference between euro and us time doesn't mean anything.  I'll explain myself better : it is useless to say come to see how many players there are with us time,  because i wont ever play in that time zone.  So we have around 30 players in euro and 30 in us.  they don't get to play with each other so, saying that in rtcw there are 30 players active is also right.  30 in one time zone and 30 in another equals as 30 players playing rtcw in each time zone.  Now,  they are not exactly 30, but count that in the afternoon evening there are around 18 players in aod dm,  3 in automg and  5 in FUN. That doesn't really seem as an alive game.

Idk if i explained well what i wanted to say.
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PostSubject: Re: Great Fighters Clan INFO   Great Fighters Clan  INFO I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2015 11:41 pm

Probably the meaning of "alive game" means 500 - 1000 - 2000 players for you.I dont denied the game is in a downhill but as long as there are people that still cares about the game , its not dead until there is not even one single player.

And giving numbers and percentages is not accurate since , neither you or me , knows the exact number of the remaining community.Unless you develop some sort of study about it (which would take time).

For me RTCW is alive as long as people ,that open the game, finds a pub with players and connects to the server.And I know there are others that put an effort to make it possible.

I dont pretend to post more about RTCW here since this is a CS GO section.Just wanted to make a statement.
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PostSubject: Re: Great Fighters Clan INFO   Great Fighters Clan  INFO I_icon_minitimeSat May 16, 2015 6:30 am

No worries. This forum is for sharing different opinions together.
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PostSubject: Re: Great Fighters Clan INFO   Great Fighters Clan  INFO I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2015 9:03 pm

There's not much players left, and the game is dying.
Better explanation than any of yours..
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PostSubject: Re: Great Fighters Clan INFO   Great Fighters Clan  INFO I_icon_minitime

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