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R.I.P. Blade

"We Don't Forgive. We Don't Forget. Expect Us!"

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R.I.P. Blade

"We Don't Forgive. We Don't Forget. Expect Us!"

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 "Permanent" Application

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Posts : 62
Karma : 2
Join date : 2014-04-22
Age : 26
Location : Hungary

"Permanent" Application Empty
PostSubject: "Permanent" Application   "Permanent" Application I_icon_minitimeFri May 15, 2015 6:02 pm

It is what it sounds like. A permanent application.
I expect some of you to just join for fun, and therefor, you'll probably get bored fast.
To save some "paperwork" on the forums, I decided to apply the CS:GO members this way

1. I accept them, no big rules since they're not yet involved to our forums or skype call, and it's just to see if he want's to stay or not
2. IF the permanent member wants to stay, they have to do regular application with Morwen using the regular application, and this is when they actually get to be GFC members

Than they'll get fully accepted, invited to the forum, and probably the skype call as well.

This is how the CS:GO application works now, thank you for reading!
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